Lauren Eich

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How to Be Better At Mornings When You're Not a Morning Person

Last weekend, during my hunt for cheap brassy lamps, I found an awesome clothing rack for $15 at Dirt Cheap!!

Now, I don't function well AT ALL in the morning, so I decided that a place where I could start planning my outfits for the week would be super helpful! When I was younger, I never wanted to do the whole "lay out your outfit the night before" thing, but planning a whole week's worth of clothing seemed like it could be really helpful! 


So at first, the box was kind of intimidating, I just heard a bunch of parts clinking together and didn't know what I had gotten myself into.

But it ended up being really easy!(Thanks for making simple to set-up products, Target!)

So, next on the list was making some sort of divider for each day... Cue the Target Dollar Spot! 

I thought  that these little wooden gift tags would be perfect! For the letters, I used chalk markers that I already had, at first I wanted to alternate between the pink and some mint green, but in the end I decided that using only the pink would let it be more uniform. 

I decided to arrange the tags Monday - Sunday, that way all my weekend outfits would be grouped together. 


Planning my outfits so far ahead of time for the last week has saved me so much time in the mornings!

Getting it planned out over the weekend also helps me make sure everything is wrinkle-free and nice looking, with nothing to slow me down while I try to get together in the morning!


Plus, its nice to have a few extra minutes to sit with my coffee before I'm out the door! 



Hopefully next week goes just as smoothly! My last week before grading starts for my TA class!


I don't think I'll ever be a morning person, I just want to be able to do mornings when I have to... and planning clothes ahead of time makes that happen more easily.