Weekend Update

1. Quote of the Week

Go and find what it is that inspires you, go and find what it is that you love, and do fo that until it hurts. - Joanna Gaines

2. Favorite Blog - Emily Henderson

I've been following Emily for a while, but I love her design style!! Her latest post introducing Parisian Art Deco style made this francophile's heart happy! 

3. Pinterest Board of the Week - My Living Room Board!

Apparently I've been on a neutrals kick lately... but then again, when am I not?! Forever swooning over white walls, black fire places, and plants! 

4. Favorite North Alabama Spot

Isom's Orchard! 

5. My bedroom has been the room in my house that I ignore the most, but I'm trying to make it a little more "cool." Where are your favorite places to shop for decor??

Pit -

The morning of graduation last saturday, I was about to walk out the door when I realized I couldn't find my cap/tassle! I'm usually pretty organized about things like that, so I was in a pretty huge state of panic the whole way to the coliseum, and had convinced myself that there was NO WAY I'd be able to walk at graduation! Even though I had been really nervous all morning and had considered not walking, when it looked like I wasn't going to be able to, I was really bummed! Thankfully, once we got to the practice facility, they had boxed and boxes of extra graduation gear! So I was able to grab a new cap and tassel and line up with the other master's degree folks! The girl next to me in line hadn't been able to find her master's hood, so we were in the same boat! Luckily, they had a box of those too! For all the different colleges!

Peak -

Graduating last week! I was so excited to finally have finished my master's degree in art history! I'm also including going to the beach saturday evening as part of the peak, because it meant I spent Sunday swimming around in the ocean and playing in the surf! Mama & I also went and saw Kenny Chesney and it was awesome! 

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